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Writer's picture: Simon NorthSimon North
Spring Equinox is a joyful time in the Celtic Wheel of the Year, as we mindfully cross the threshold between darkness into the light as our journey through winter ends and longer, warmer days beckon.

Our ritual gathering in Avebury on Sunday, 20th March will mark the moment when we start to open up again after Winter’s more contemplative time. Our focus now shifts from reflection into movement and it is important to notice and celebrate this change. It is not a time to stay stuck in dark, old thought patterns or behaviour.

We have created mini pilgrimage walk of 2.5 miles to help you make a vital transformation and cross a personal Rubicon. This is achieved by visiting three scared places along the way and holding rituals in each place.

Our gathering takes place on highly energetic land beside ancient sites set out according to mystical sacred geometry. This is why we are meeting beside the pyramid structure of Silbury Hill, the largest mound of its kind ever built in the UK. Silbury Hill lies on a powerful Earth energy line that connects to Glastonbury, Stonehenge and hundreds of other lesser known sacred places. Our energy field responds in a profound way to this primordial energy by opening us to the transformation we at Spring Equinox. Water beautifully embodies our emotions and is at the heart of our Spring Equinox gathering. We will walk with our awareness open alongside the bubbling flow of the River Kennett and pause to notice how trees connect to the river.

Our first ritual will involve connecting to the Ash trees along the river bank. Attuning to tree energy will be grounding for everyone and bring us all deeper into nature’s realms. I will guide you through how to meet a tree and connect to its intrinsic wisdom.

We will stay close to water and the river for our next destination, the beautiful oasis of Swallowhead scared spring. People have crossed its stepping stones to become immersed in the water and feel its loving quality for thousands of years.

Our water ceremony involves an emotional and spiritual connection to the spring, rather than a literal baptism! Our intention is to align ourselves to the energy of its never ending flow of energy.

With the celestial moment of the equinox approaching, we will walk to West Kennett Long Barrow as it is aligned to the passage of our sun across the sky on this day rather than a solstice.

The long barrow is so much more than a burial site. Entering its portal is to go into the womb of Mother Earth and connect to our ancestors as shamans and spiritual leaders of communities like ours have done for 5,000 years. Interestingly, there is a connection to Stonehenge 24 miles away as the barrow’s ‘mother’ stone aligns with world famous stone circle.

We will gather here for meditation and contemplation and you will have time to your own thoughts and prayers inside its nurturing mound. It’s entirely possible you will feel as if you have been here before for an initiation.

West Kennett Long Barrow may be Neolithic but is very much alive with Earth energy today. Should the sun appear at Spring Equinox you may witness the magic of seeing it penetrate the chamber or light up the skull stone at the entrance.

Outside on top of its 100 metres long mound is a place to gather for a very special essential oils ceremony, led by reiki master and aromatherapy teacher Debbie Lawrence. She will give each member of our gathering a unique Spring Equinox blend to use here and for recreating a ritual of your own at home.

Our group will then walk back down the hill and make our way back to Silbury Hill for a closing ceremony and chance to share our experiences.

It’s set to be a restorative day which will reset us all for the year ahead.

At the time of writing there are 12 places left from the maximum of 25. Please book here:

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