Join our Ceremony in the Forest on Saturday 19th June
Summer Solstice is the pivotal point of the year, when the Sun appears to pause on its journey through the cosmos. The word solstice means sun-stand-still and it is a peak moment allowing us to stop at the summit of the year to see how far we have come and check how we are feeling right now.
On Saturday, 19th June I am taking a small group of like-minded people on a special summer solstice journey into ancient local woodland to appreciate and celebrate the meaning of this important festival. We will gather near West Wycombe and make our procession into the forest to be with the Oak and the other trees of solstice.
Our ceremony will echo those of our ancestors who built stone circles and avenues all over the Celtic world and aligned them to the sun at solstice. Like them, we will revel in the light and warmth of summer solstice and greet the Sun Goddess.
Using our imagination we will connect to the spirits of the time and place to ask for help in activating what we intend for the rest of this year. This is an opportunity to use Solstice to light a beacon in your heart and become empowered. Here we can tap into a solar power to clear our human energy field of all that no longer serves us.
We will meditate together and make a connection between the Earth Mother and the Sun Goddess to make us whole, so we can heal through a deep embodiment of nature’s intelligence. I will cleanse your energy field with incense from white sage, just as ancient people millennia ago used Oakwood smoke to clear their energy during the Summer Solstice festival.
Our celebration will then move into working with tree spirit energy. I will invite you to pick a tree to be with and walk around it three times invoking an ancient ceremony. This will be your personal initiation to open up a new perspective and find wisdom in nature. Once connected you can ask for healing from the tree spirits - something that is proving to be transformative for people coming on tree energy sessions.
We will build a forest altar together and close our Solstice practice by sharing our thoughts and feelings. All gathered here will then receive a blessing for what we have created and the new energy we are taking with us back into ordinary reality.
Finally, we will retrace our steps and find our way back to where our cars are parked.
This will be a small, intimate group so places are limited. Please book your place by sending an email to The cost per person is £20 payable by transfer.